Apply for the Post-Secondary Student Program

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Personal information on this form is collected under section 31(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. F-15.01, as it relates directly to and is necessary for the programs administered under the Post-Secondary Student Program. If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, you may contact the Manager at your nearest SkillsPEI office, or call 1-877-491-4766.


Please provide general business contact information for the following fields: Telephone(s), Fax Number, Email Address

For example C1B 0X1 or 12345
For example 902-555-5555
For example 902-555-5555
For example 902-555-5555
Primary Contact
For example: 902-555-5555
For example: 902-555-5555
For example: 902-555-5555