Current Page 1 Page 2 Preview Personal information on this form is collected under Section 31(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c f-15.01 as it relates directly to and is necessary for determining eligibility. If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, you may contact the Innovation PEI Office by telephone at 1-800-563-3734 or by email at Identification What stream of the PEI Arts Grants are you applying for? - Select -Create (Creation Stream)Share (Dissemination Stream)Learn (Professional Development Stream)Visual Arts Materials Microgrant First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address 1 Address 2 City, Town, or Community Province Postal Code For example: C1B 0X1 or 12345 Country Telephone Number For example 902-555-5555 Email Address Region - Select -KingsQueensPrince Which gender(s) do you most identify? Check all that apply. Man Woman Transgender Man Transgender Woman Transgender Non-Binary Two-Spirit Non-Binary Gender not listed, please specify Prefer not to answer Other, please specify What are your preferred pronouns? What Indigenous community are you affiliated with? Are you a person of colour? - Select -YesNoPrefer not to answer Do you have a disability or identify as a person living with a disability? - Select -YesNoNot surePrefer not to answer Do you identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community? - Select -YesNoPrefer not to answerI would like to provide more information Please provide more information. Is this artist grant for an individual or group/band? - Select -IndividualGroup/Band Group/Band Name Artist Name