Report Gastrointestinal Illness

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Personal Information on this form is collected under the authority of Section 31 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap.F-15.1.  If you have any questions about the collection, or use of this personal information, you may contact: Chief Public Health Office at 902-368-4996 or

The Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) is investigating reports of gastrointestinal illness following attendance at the PEI International Shellfish Festival.

Providing your name and contact information is optional but will allow CPHO to follow-up with you if necessary. Your name and contact information will not be shared with anyone outside of CPHO and Public Health Nursing.
For example: 902-555-5555
Which of the following symptoms did you have?

Check all that apply.

Approximately what date and time did you first develop symptoms?

When did you start to feel better?

Food History

While at the PEI International Shellfish Festival, which of the following did you eat?

Vendor: Olde Dublin Pub

Check all that apply.

Vendor: Island Favourites

Check all that apply.

Vendor: Peake's Quay

Check all that apply.

Vendor: Raspberry Point Oysters and PEI Shellfish Association

Check all that apply.

Demo Samples

Check all that apply.

Maximum 250 characters.
PEI International Shellfish Festival Attendance Details
What date(s) and time(s) did you attend the PEI International Shellfish Festival?

Check all that apply.


Filling out this questionnaire does not necessarily mean that the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) will contact you for follow-up, but we very much appreciate your assistance and taking the time to respond.